4 results for „Pre-registration“
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Blog Post
Pre-registration watch part 1: Detecting deception
... part 1, I briefly cover some basics about this so-called pre-registration and then I will discuss my own experience with a pre-registration in the online journal Frontiers about unconscious ... / more
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Blog Post
Can you replicate that?
... most immediate effect of these initiatives has been the pre-registration of studies and a significant change in the publishing ... / more
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magazine issue | 03/2015
A Perfect Storm: The Record of a Revolution
At some point in their past, almost every country has witnessed a political revolution, a change of government following a dramatic and sometimes violent expression of discontent. As a result, emperors have been beheaded, kings dethroned, and... / more
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Blog Post
"We are ready to move!" An interview with Daniel Lakens and Klaus Fiedler on the current challenges in the field of psychological research
... movements of data sharing. Sharing of predictions and a pre-registration of what you expect to find in a study will help putting ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.