Join the In-Mind Team: Help us make psychology accessible to everyone!
Join the In-Mind Team: Help us make psychology accessible to everyone!
What is In-Mind? In-Mind is a volunteer-driven project dedicated to sharing psychological research. We give researchers a platform to present their work in an engaging, accessible, and scientifically rigorous way—psychology by scientists, for everyone. Our journal publishes freely available, ad-free articles across all areas of psychology. We are the English version of In-Mind. The journal also publishes in German, French, Dutch, and Italian. Who are we looking for? We are seeking active researchers across all stages of an academic career... / more
Artificial Intelligence, Real Consequences: Call for abstracts for a special issue on the psychological dimensions of AI
Artificial Intelligence, Real Consequences: Call for abstracts for a special issue on the psychological dimensions of AI
The special issue "Artificial Intelligence, Real Consequences — exploring the psychological dimensions of AI" aims to make central research on the psychological components of Artificial Intelligence (AI) accessible to the general public. / more
Caught in a Vicious Cycle? The Complex Interplay of Work Stressors and Burnout
Caught in a Vicious Cycle? The Complex Interplay of Work Stressors and Burnout
A conflict with a coworker, time pressure, or technical issues – work-related stressors can take many forms. When work stressors accumulate, they can lead to burnout. However, recent research suggests that the interplay between work stressors and burnout is more complex than previously assumed. Could employees potentially be caught in a vicious cycle? / more
Everything was better in the past? Children’s self-regulation across the decades
Everything was better in the past? Children’s self-regulation across the decades
Do you also believe, like most American adults, that children today have less self-control than prior generations? A large study suggests that this assumption is wrong: Children from the 2000s can wait longer for candy than children from the 1960s and 1980s. / more
Call for editors for a Special Issue on the “Psychology of Artificial Intelligence”

Special Issue
Call for editors for a Special Issue on the “Psychology of Artificial Intelligence”
Are you an AI researcher and wish to handle a special issue on the topic? In-Mind is looking for one or several people who are interested in being guest editors of a special issue on the “Psychology of Artificial Intelligence” directed at a general audience. In a recent call for papers, we received a good number of abstracts for papers on various AI related topics. This means there is already a list of authors waiting to be invited to submit... / more
Phubbing: When love slips through the screen

phubbing, romantic relationships, smartphones
Phubbing: When love slips through the screen
We all know this situation: we want to tell the other person something, but they only have eyes for their smartphone. This behavior has a name: Phubbing. But how does phubbing change our relationships and do we have to switch back to reading the newspaper to be a good partner? / more
Bedtime procrastination: I know I should go to bed but …
Bedtime procrastination: I know I should go to bed but …
Perhaps, most people are aware that sleep is important and know the consequences of cutting nights short. However, many people delay their bedtimes from time to time – even though they are already tired and could easily fall asleep. Why do we put off going to bed? This article approaches explanations. / more
Call for articles on topical issues
Call for articles on topical issues
We are currently looking to publish articles on a series of specific themes that we know people are generally very interested in learning more about. This is an invitation to all those interested in writing an article on any of the themes or specific topics listed below to please submit a short abstract on a future article idea . If your abstract is accepted, we will invite you to submit a full length-article to the magazine, which will then be... / more
It’s just a joke, right? Empirical findings on the serious effects of sexist humor
It’s just a joke, right? Empirical findings on the serious effects of sexist humor
You can still make a joke, right? Yes, but... misogynistic jokes about women can have negative consequences. What can such humor do to women and men? / more
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day…or is it?
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day…or is it?
Many people follow the motto “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. On the other hand, intermittent fasting, which often involves deliberately skipping breakfast, is becoming increasingly popular. How does this fit together? What, how much and when you should eat is a much-discussed topic with countless opinions. For example, who hasn't heard the saying: "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day"? Most people would perhaps attribute this to the wisdom and life experience of their... / more