24 results for „adaptive“
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Blog Post
Look at me! (Or don’t): Of society and showing off on Facebook
... competitive society like this, what should your adaptive strategy be in order to attract and keep desirable partners? One ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2014
How stress influences our morality
... ourselves which reaction would have been evolutionarily adaptive in a specific situation. What follows is that, while stress usually ... / more
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Blog Post
Becoming superhuman: Is it all in your mind?
... in the brain —an area associated with more adaptive responding to negative or stressful events and faster recovery from ... / more
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magazine issue | 06/2015
Always on the Move: How Residential Mobility Impacts Our Well-Being
... psychological orientations toward independence are adaptive for survival in these environments, they are likely to be passed ... / more
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magazine issue | 06/2015
How to win (and lose) friendships across cultures: Why relational mobility matters
... idea that what kind of behavior is optimal – or, adaptive – in any particular situation depends on the nature of the ... to look at what socio-ecological researchers refer to as ‘adaptive tasks (or goals)’ required for human flourishing in differing ... / more
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Blog Post
The cross-cultural psychology of Internet privacy concern
... the ability to trust strangers is an example of one such adaptive skill. An adaptation to what? Here we turned to Toshio ... relational mobility . In a society like this, it is adaptive to develop the ability to trust strangers. If you don’t, you might ... / more
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magazine issue | 08/2015
Why do we so often ignore the influence of situations on behavior?
... others will do next. Because these predictions are so adaptive , necessary, and automatic it might simply be second nature to have a ... / more
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magazine issue | 05/2018
Origins of Common Fears: A Review
... however, believe that evolution has produced an “adaptive biological preparedness,” a readiness which can result in quick ... / more
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magazine issue | 09/2018
The Effect of Acute Stress on Memory: How It Helps and How It Hurts
... between stimuli or tasks. This shift is often adaptive in that it is less cognitively demanding than flexible thinking, and ... / more
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Blog Post
Darkness All Around: Humor, Personality, and Creativity
... expense, thereby promoting self-enhancement as an adaptive strategy to signal their ability to cope better than others. ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.