11 results for „counterintuitive“
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magazine issue | 02/2012
When the thought of yourself nags you: How failure to attain cultural standards brings suicide on the fringe of consciousness
... not in college (Hendin, 1982). These findings seem counterintuitive – why would privileged environments produce high suicide ... / more
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Book Review
The antidote: happiness for people who can't stand positive thinking
... different ways of what in his view means to "do the counterintuitive or illogical". Each chapter is dedicated to a different, counterintuitive approach that Burkeman discovered for himself. If you decide ... / more
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magazine issue | 09/2008
Reconsidering Race in the Genetic Era
... 10% of genetic variation. At first this may seem counterintuitive ; however, these statistics simply point out that most of the ... / more
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magazine issue | 09/2008
The Surprising Effect of Facial Appearance on Political Decision-Making
... election ( Ballew & Todorov , 2007). This finding seems counterintuitive : how could gut feelings outperform reflective thinking? At ... / more
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magazine issue | 02/2008
Taking One for the Team, Even on Your Way Out of the Door
... faced with a short-term time horizon). While somewhat counterintuitive , this pattern does make sense, because what motivates a ... / more
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magazine issue | 06/2007
Evolution of Religion
... propose that a) widespread counterfactual and counterintuitive beliefs in myths, such as supernatural agents, exist, b) ... describes the power of counterfactual and counterintuitive beliefs. What are these so-called counterfactual ... / more
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magazine issue | 04/2014
Judging a book by its cover: Prior knowledge determines the effect of embodied cues.
... this line of reasoning, our initial finding seemed counterintuitive and we were skeptical. However, a reexamination of prior ... / more
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Blog Post
Why Are We Still Spanking Our Kids?
Although it is counterintuitive , violence in America today is most likely to occur within ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2014
How stress influences our morality
... to you. As a result, utilitarianism might feel more counterintuitive in certain contexts compared to deontology . This ... responses in situations when the utilitarian answer is counterintuitive and more controlled cost-benefit reasoning would be ... / more
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magazine issue | 03/2015
The perverse incentives that stand as a roadblock to scientific reform
... .05, 2) small N, conceptual replications, 3) discovering counter-intuitive findings, and 4) producing a clean narrative. P < .05. ... Unfortunately, it is a package of irreproducibility. Counter-Intuitive Findings The third ideal in psychological science is to ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.