18 results for „false memory“
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magazine issue | 05/2012
When conversations flow
... metacognitive states of speakers. Journal of Memory and Language, 34, 383-398. Burgoon, J. K., Stern, L. ... 69. Ross, L., Greene, D., & House, P. (1977). The "false consensus effect": An egocentric bias in social perception and ... / more
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magazine issue | 02/2012
Would you recognize the perpetrator? What do you need to know when you have to make an identification from a lineup?
... rejects the lineup (correct rejection). Third, a false positive outcome occurs if the perpetrator is absent in the lineup , ... decisions depend on cognitive factors, such as the memory strength regarding the perpetrator. A less intuitive cognitive factor ... / more
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magazine issue | 02/2012
It’s your choice! – Or is it really?
... and frequency ratings that rely on long-term episodic memory . Inspired by these findings, Sauerland, Schell, Collaris, Reimer, ... choice blindness might be relevant to suspects’ false confessions . Participants were presented with an 18-item questionnaire ... / more
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magazine issue | 04/2014
Word of mouth: How our tongue shapes our preferences, and why you should eat popcorn in the cinema
... was mentioned earlier in this article. We call this the false-fame effect . Following the logic of the tongue tango, also this effect ... research shows how important our body is for acquiring memory and make sense of our environment. Our mind is no dry collection of ... / more
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magazine issue | 08/2014
Revisiting the past can make the present a better place: The psychological and social benefits of nostalgia
... to be a loneliness assessment and then presenting them with false feedback that, relative to their university peers, they had scored high ... of the past: Nostalgia as a meaning-making resource. Memory , 20, 452-460. Sedikides, C., Wildschut, T., Gaertner, L., ... / more
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Blog Post
Never give up: The persistence of misinformation effects
... misinformation is often easier said than done as false beliefs are particularly sticky. In this blog, I zoom in on the current ... and the continued influence of misinformation . Memory & Cognition , 42 (2), 292-304. Ecker, U. K., Lewandowsky, S., ... / more
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magazine issue | 01/2015
Children are poor witnesses. Or are they?
... or whether their statements have been infected by memory distortions, so-called false memories . Comparing child witnesses to adult witnesses, the ... / more
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magazine issue | 08/2015
Experience in Action Games and the Effects on Executive Control
... (2008). The effects of video game playing on attention, memory , and executive control. Acta Psychologica, 129(3), 387-398. ... game experience and optimized executive control skills - on false positives and false negatives: Reply to Boot & Simons (2012). Acta ... / more
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magazine issue | 11/2015
Seeing and Believing: Common Courtroom Myths in Eyewitness Memory
When it comes to understanding eyewitness memory , people’s commonsense views are sometimes consistent with ... evidence. Common misconceptions surrounding eyewitness memory lie at the center of these conflicts and contribute to devastating ... M. (2015). When children are the least vulnerable to false memories : A true report or a case of autosuggestion? Journal of ... / more
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magazine issue | 11/2015
Can you nonbelieve it: What happens when you do not believe in your memories?
Human memory is susceptible to errors and distortions. This may sound cliché ... that the event actually happened, turning them from false memories into nonbelieved ones. Nonbelieved memories have ... of research has revealed that repeatedly suggesting that a false event occurred increases confidence, belief, and even recollection ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.