2 results for „false memory implantation“
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magazine issue | 11/2015
Can you nonbelieve it: What happens when you do not believe in your memories?
Human memory is susceptible to errors and distortions. This may sound cliché ... that the event actually happened, turning them from false memories into nonbelieved ones. Nonbelieved memories have ... Otgaar, Scoboria, and Smeets (2013) used a false memory implantation procedure to experimentally elicit nonbelieved memories in ... / more
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magazine issue | 05/2018
Remembering what never occurred? Children’s false memories for repeated experiences
“Memory, my dear Cecily, is the diary that we all carry about with us.” ... to form memories of non-experienced events [i.e. false memories ; 7 ]. Lab studies have shown that people can create ... [ 16 ][ 17 ], misinformation paradigm [ 18 ], and implantation (lost-in-the-mall) paradigm [ 19 ]. While false memories ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.