68 results for „gender“
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magazine issue | 08/2015
Experience in Action Games and the Effects on Executive Control
... This frequent use of video games occurs independently of gender , education, and income (e.g., BIU, 2012). Many politicians and members ... / moreWhy gender neutral toy aisles might help children’s development stay on target
... reflect what are often considered ‘traditional’ gender role expectations—the idea that girls should be nurturing, gentle ... research shows that gendered toys do more than promote gender roles , they also impact cognitive development. For instance, ... / more
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Book Review
Unfair: The New Science of Criminal Injustice.
... For example, there is research evidence showing that gender or racial stereotypes are also applied to male/female or black/white ... J., & Eyssel, F.A. 2014. Keep an eye on the task! How gender typicality of tasks influence human-robot interactions. International ... / more
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magazine issue | 01/2016
What is c Factor, and Where Can I Get It?
... were identified that impact c factor: social sensitivity, gender composition of the group, and equitable turn-taking. The first ... as outlined by Woolley and colleagues (2010) is the gender composition of the group; specifically, the greater the proportion of ... / more
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blog categorie(s) - Meaning Making
Foetus or child? Language and attitudes toward abortion
... w polskim życiu publicznym [A world without women. Gender in Polish public life]. Warsaw, Poland: WAB. Haslam, N. (2006). ... / more
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magazine issue | 04/2016
It’s not a matter of fashion: How psychological research can revamp common beliefs on lesbian and gay parenting
... dimensions of sexual identity (Money & Erhardt, 1972): gender identity , gender role and sexual orientation . Gender identity is the ... / more
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magazine issue | 07/2016
Was that how it happened? Shaping our memory for personal experiences in conversation with others
... topics of greatest interest to the listener, such as the gender of the baby, and its general health – narrative descriptions of ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2016
Are Perceptions of Election “Rigging” Racialized?
... controlling for several background variables like age, gender , income, and education (so that we could really focus on the role of ... / more
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magazine issue | 07/2017
Straight talk about gaydar: How do individuals guess others’ sexual orientation?
... but also may harm those whom gaydar depicts as gender non-conformers because of the assumption that people are heterosexual ... characteristics deviate strongly from the norm for their gender . Gender expression is very much linked with societal perceptions ... / more
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magazine issue | 07/2017
The Face of Leadership: How CEOs’ Facial Appearance Predicts Business Success
... Science, 20, 1229-1236. Oakley, J. G. (2000). Gender -based barriers to senior management positions: Understanding the ... & Burke, D. M. (in press). The face says it all: CEOs, gender , and predicting corporate performance. In press at Leadership ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.