6 results for „perceived consensus“
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magazine issue | 05/2012
When conversations flow
... wrong, either on an interpersonal level or on the level of consensus in a group. The question we aim to answer in this paper is: Why do we ... that can explain why smoothly flowing conversations are perceived more positively. The concept of conversational flow also relates to ... / more
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Blog Post
Einstein beats Mother Theresa as the hero of the world
... Jesus Christ and the regions where these two figures will be perceived most positively. It is not hard to imagine that opinions about who is ... it is surprising that there is actually an overwhelming consensus in the extent to which the world perceives its’ main historical ... / more
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magazine issue | 07/2017
The Face of Leadership: How CEOs’ Facial Appearance Predicts Business Success
... when the researchers measured the relationship between perceived leadership ability and the companies’ actual profits. The results ... N. (2011). Cross-cultural impressions of leaders' face: Consensus and predictive validity. International Journal of Intercultural ... / more
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magazine issue | 01/2018
Cooperation in social dilemmas: How can psychology help to meet climate change goals?
... Kopelman, & Messick, 2004). These influences include our perceived norms about environmental behaviour and the groups we belong to. ... of scientists (Doran and Zimmerman (2009) estimate 97% consensus). Secondly, the costs of achieving that goal must be reasonable ... / more
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magazine issue | 01/2019
Refugees wel(l)come: The impact of social support on refugees’ well-being
... again key elements in the definition of well-being. Perceived discrimination plays a major role in the consideration of ... Limitations of social support There is wide consensus that different recipients need different forms of social support ... / more
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magazine issue | 06/2024
In the shades of the rings – experiences of interpersonal violence in elite sports
... of harassment, abuse, or violence. Additionally, in its consensus statement [4], the IOC identified interpersonal violence as a ... the reputation of sports as inherently beneficial, the perceived necessity of interpersonal violence for performance outcomes, and the ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.