91 results for „perception“
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magazine issue | 02/2012
It’s your choice! – Or is it really?
... that has stimulated new research on the limits of human perception and decision making (Hall et al., 2010; Moore & Haggard, 2006). ... / more
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magazine issue | 02/2012
The dish on gossip: Its origins, functions, and bad reputation
... E. R., & Collins, E. C. (2009). Contextualizing person perception : Distributed social cognition . Psychological Review, ... / more
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magazine issue | 01/2012
The Role of Honor and Culture in Group-Based Humiliation, Anger and Shame
... On the other hand, concepts like other-blaming, perception of injustice and antagonistic tendencies make humiliation similar ... / more
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magazine issue | 01/2012
Family Honour and the Purity of the Family’s Essence: A Relational Models Approach
... communal sharing relationships are characterized by a perception of shared essence, which is pure but can be contaminated. Families ... communal sharing relationships are characterized by a perception of shared essence, which is pure but can be contaminated. Families ... / more
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magazine issue | 06/2011
On the dark and bright sides to vengeance: Cognitive, behavioral and affective consequences of aggression
... Dijksterhuis, A., & Bargh, J. A. (2001). The perception–behavior expressway: Automatic effects of social perception on social behavior. In M. P. Zanna (Ed.), Advances in ... / more
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Book Review
Depression as a spiritual journey
... or a rebirth of the individual who will develop new perception of the world and of life. Many people experience some type of ... disorder. Her book accentuates a positive approach to the perception of depression as a means to find ourselves. In addition, her volume ... / more
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Book Review
BLINK: The power of thinking without thinking
... or even just useful hints, of how we could sharpen our perception of our social environment. The notes at the very end of the book ... / more
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Book Review
The Time Paradox: the new psychology of time that will change your life.
... are enough books on time management. What I mean is the perception of time: How to make moments with family and friends at the ... death. Thinking about time is probably as old as the human perception of time. However, although time plays such a crucial role in ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2010
Successful Dieting in Tempting Environments: Mission Impossible?
... press) examined the impact of tempting food cues on size perception of food. In the food prime condition, meant to activate the eating ... with the eating enjoyment goal . This enhanced size perception of “forbidden” foods increases the likelihood that palatable ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2009
The Ghost in the System: Where Free Will Lurks in Human Minds
... Science, 3, 14-19. Bem, D. J. (1967). Self-perception: An alternative interpretation of cognitive dissonance phenomena. ... Cognition, 2, 539-544. Heider, F. (1944). Social perception and phenomenal causality. Psychological Review, 51, 358-374. ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.