75 results for „physical evidence“
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magazine issue | 12/2012
Your mother, metaphors, and other monkey business: How experiences of physical warmth shape how we think about relationships
... loneliness and psychological pain. Metaphors that describe physical experiences, like physical warmth , often reflect very meaningful ... disconnected and separated from our bodies. Instead, the evidence points to a reality in which our physiological states are very much a ... / more
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magazine issue | 12/2012
House, M.D. and the science of psychogenic illness
... and future love interest – contracted a set of serious physical symptoms after being exposed to other passengers who were also getting ... Press. Dutton, D. G. & Aron, A. P. (1974). Some evidence for heightened sexual attraction under conditions of high anxiety. ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2013
Are we all jerks? Why nobody helps when surrounded by others
... is able to help others. The interveners also had different physical characteristics compared to the non-interveners. The helpers were ... nonintervention: Social categorization and the evidence of witnesses at the James Bulger murder trial. Human Relations, 52, ... / more
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magazine issue | 02/2013
That human touch that means so much: Exploring the tactile dimension of social life
... is ingrained in our biology. Indeed, there is some direct evidence that, in mammalian species, touch triggers the release of oxytocin ... Science, 23, 772-779. Levav, J., & Argo, J. J. (2010). Physical contact and financial risktaking. Psychological Science, ... / more
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magazine issue | 05/2012
The victim wars: How competitive victimhood stymies reconciliation between conflicting groups
... conflicts , both of the parties involved suffer severe physical and psychological trauma. However, people often assess the impact of ... Mari, Volpato, and Behluli, in press) provided more direct evidence of common in-group identity effects on competitive victimhood. We ... / more
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magazine issue | 05/2012
Death and deities: A social cognitive perspective
... of its spiritual benefits, comes with significant physical risk: Many pilgrims who ritually bathe in the Ganges River, ... Why are humans—at great expense and with little sensory evidence—incorrigibly religious? Theories of religion Everyone— ... / more
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magazine issue | 02/2012
“Look in my eyes. I said in my eyes!”: Antecedents and Consequences of (Self-) Objectification
Physical appearance is one of the primary cues for individuals living in a ... by a vast “sexual market” (Baumeister & Vohs, 2004). Physical appearance also influences people’s achievements in areas that are ... N., & Goldenberg, J. (2009). Objectifying Sarah Palin: Evidence that objectification causes women to be perceived as less competent ... / more
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magazine issue | 02/2012
The dish on gossip: Its origins, functions, and bad reputation
... researchers who study gossip have found much evidence to the contrary. It turns out that gossip actually serves a wide ... adolescents' experiences of peer victimization: Social and physical aggression. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 45, 242-266. ... / more
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magazine issue | 01/2012
Honor in the Past: The Case of Mexico
... In this article, I will show the ways in which historical evidence can be used to provide a foundation for an understanding of honor. ... honor. The difference lay in their responses; they used physical weapons rather than written ones. Conclusions Although honor ... / more
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magazine issue | 06/2011
Anger Management
... stuff their anger deep inside and repress it. There is some evidence that this is a costly strategy. Long-term concealed anger can be quite ... & Stack, 1999). One variation of venting is intense physical exercise. When angry, some people go running or try some other form of ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.