75 results for „physical evidence“
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magazine issue | 04/2014
What can metaphors tell us about personality?
... metaphorically. Social psychologists have provided some evidence for this idea (Landau, Meier, & Keefer, 2010). For example, making ... for this focus is that emotions are non-verbal, non-physical entities and metaphors are thought to help people understand them ... / more
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magazine issue | 04/2014
Grasping the grounded nature of mental simulation
... our daily interactions. We review literature that provides evidence that humans mentally simulate automatically in preparation for object ... and unconsciously plays them back upon encountering the physical object—or even a representation of the object. This play back of ... / more
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Blog Post
Colorful Culture
... textbooks), art (paintings, lyrics, novels), religion, physical gestures and management practices have for example been found to ... found that even four to six year-old children produce physical objects in a way that reflects the values and ideas of their own ... as well. These recent studies provide initial evidence that people perceive, evaluate and produce physical objects in a ... / more
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Book Review
What makes Olga run?: The mystery of the 90-something track star and what she can teach us about living longer, happier lives.
... most people will never live to see … what gives?” At his physical and mental nadir at that point in his life, Grierson decided to follow ... family in a developed country. After reviewing the evidence, however, Grierson suggests that exercise is number two, eclipsing ... / more
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Blog Post
Coping with being bullied
... of bullying can have a long-lasting impact on mental and physical health. But there’s a ray of hope in this literature as well: ... So what does all this mean for the victims? There is ample evidence that anti-bullying efforts need to go beyond declarations of ... / more
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magazine issue | 06/2014
Consensual non-monogamy: Table for more than two, please
... an emerging body of scholarship, there is limited empirical evidence on how to best “open up” a monogamous relationship. For those ... monogamy agreements (e.g., what is considered emotional or physical infidelity); these conversations could thwart conflict associated with ... / more
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Blog Post
Why Are We Still Spanking Our Kids?
... violence be within the home as well, specifically the use of physical punishment on children? Public opinion condoning physical punishment ... Harris and Fiske (2011) found social neuroscience evidence that the portions of the brain associated with taking the perspectives ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2014
The influential child: It is not all up to the parents
... easier to handle. Another study focused on mother-reported physical punishment and maltreatment in 5-year-old twins living in England and ... and environmental influences on parent–son relationships: Evidence for increasing genetic influence during adolescence. Developmental ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2014
The influential child: It is not all up to the parents
... easier to handle. Another study focused on mother-reported physical punishment and maltreatment in 5-year-old twins living in England and ... and environmental influences on parent–son relationships: Evidence for increasing genetic influence during adolescence. Developmental ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2014
How stress influences our morality
... of the anticipated consequences. Accumulating evidence from behavioral experiments and neuroimaging studies supports ... compared to when the action is less personal (i.e. when no physical contact is involved). This is in line with Greene’s assumption that ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.