75 results for „physical evidence“
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magazine issue | 01/2018
Cooperation in social dilemmas: How can psychology help to meet climate change goals?
... resources is essential to protecting and improving our physical environment. This cannot be done without cooperation at ... probabilities, should be based on a systematic review of the evidence, with further research (including modelling) when the evidence base is ... / more
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magazine issue | 04/2018
Improving the Disclosure of Information in an Investigative Interview: Rapport building and the Physical Environment
... Is it possible to influence the interviewee through the physical environment of the interrogation? We explore this topic by discussing ... confessing), and lying about the presence of incriminating evidence (e.g., “we have finger prints and will find out anyway”). ... / more
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magazine issue | 04/2018
Fake Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Costs Real Money
... the intentional production of falsely or grossly exaggerated physical or psychological complaints with the goal of receiving an ... up with alarming numbers. For example, one US study found evidence for malingering or symptom exaggeration in half of 74 veterans seeking ... / more
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magazine issue | 05/2018
White lies and black lies: What they have in common and how they differ
... threats into a model of general deterrence: Theory and evidence. Criminology, 39, 865-892. 5 Polinsky, A.M., & Shavell, S. ... , 660-679. 25 Steinmetz, J., & Posten, A.-C. (2017). Physical temperature affects response behavior. Journal of Experimental ... / more
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Book Review
The Hope Circuit, Reviewed by Joe Smith
... characteristic of depression as well as other mental and physical disorders. The experiments that demonstrated this were on the one ... as exercises in classical conditioning. Yet they provided evidence of the untenability of that paradigm because they implied cognition. ... / more
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magazine issue | 05/2018
Remembering what never occurred? Children’s false memories for repeated experiences
... sexual abuse cases often lack corroborating forensic evidence , such as DNA and documentation of the abuse. Hence, legal ... detailed, as well as how investigations can proceed without evidence, when multiple witnesses come up with similar stories. The case ... [ 8 ]. However, because there was no physical evidence that corroborated the statements given by children, the ... / more
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Blog Post
How to get into shape like the Hulk
... training for a 5k in the winter, or improving your overall physical strength and endurance. Each day you try to start off with a proper ... of studies on self-control , researchers found evidence to suggest that people who usually show more self-control are in ... / more
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Blog Post
Roadblocks to Mental Health Research
... can leave little time to think about the research evidence base, let alone add to it. Despite increased calls for research to ... mental health studies can be more challenging compared with physical health studies [8] . Participants must be identified abiding with ... / more
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magazine issue | 09/2018
Understanding Online Child Sexual Abuse and How to Talk to Children About it
... the adult world. On the girl’s computer, the police found evidence that she had been coerced to pose sexually for her webcam. The ... have access to a great number of potential victims as the physical location does not impose any limitation. Once connected to the ... / more
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Blog Post
No Excuses! Lay Judges Reject Exhaustion as a Reason for Failing to Help Others
... a moral action by a fatigued person might provide extra evidence of goodness ( This person helped me despite their fatigue—they must ... all of our studies), regardless of whether fatigue came from physical exertion (swimming), stress (harrowing traffic), or mental effort ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.