81 results for „significant“
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magazine issue | 12/2012
Your mother, metaphors, and other monkey business: How experiences of physical warmth shape how we think about relationships
... a vast array of theory and research that the body plays a significant role in behavior and thought. But, this link is not easy and ... / more
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magazine issue | 12/2012
House, M.D. and the science of psychogenic illness
... and again, he shows how adept he is at discerning the significant details of people’s behavior, pointing out their true ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2013
Are we all jerks? Why nobody helps when surrounded by others
... were the victim compared to the non-interveners. The most significant difference between the two groups was the amount of training they ... / more
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magazine issue | 02/2013
That human touch that means so much: Exploring the tactile dimension of social life
... impact on our emotional and social functioning. Given its significant beneficial effects, touch may be valuable as a therapeutic or ... / more
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magazine issue | 02/2007
Positive Illusions: Brad Pitt or Danny DeVito?
... the functionality of an (unrealistic) image about a significant other, and then specify on what level these images should be ... / more
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magazine issue | 05/2012
Death and deities: A social cognitive perspective
... journey, regardless of its spiritual benefits, comes with significant physical risk: Many pilgrims who ritually bathe in the Ganges ... found that they often saw intrinsic meaning or purpose in significant events, as though they occurred in order to teach them something ... / more
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magazine issue | 02/2012
Would you recognize the perpetrator? What do you need to know when you have to make an identification from a lineup?
... While one camp claimed that sequential lineups lead to a significant reduction of false alarms (Lindsay, 1999; Steblay, Dysart, ... / more
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magazine issue | 01/2012
Honor and Emotion
... in predictors of happiness. Personal achievement was a significant predictor of happiness for all participants. However, the good ... / more
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magazine issue | 06/2011
General action and inaction goals: Definitions & effects
... to any specific behavioral target, they still demonstrate significant differences on subsequent tasks that assess relative levels of ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2010
Positive Psychology and the Importance of Close Relationships in TV Sitcoms: That 70s Show, Entourage, and How I Met Your Mother
... and secure in their relationships benefit from a significant psychological boost in their work ethic and courage. People ... In Entourage, Vince’s friends all have had a significant part to play in his star success. Eric performed an instrumental ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.