12 results for „temptation“
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magazine issue | 01/2012
Honor in the Past: The Case of Mexico
... level of wealth allowed a type of insulation against temptation , but also, against suspicion. The biggest threats to honor by ... / more
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magazine issue | 06/2011
General action and inaction goals: Definitions & effects
... to tempting environments; for unsuccessful dieters, temptation activates an enjoyment goal , whereas for successful ones, temptation is strongly linked to activation of the diet goal . The ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2010
Successful Dieting in Tempting Environments: Mission Impossible?
... self-control to prevent dieters from giving in to temptation . Watch a movie or study for an exam? Sleep late or go to the ... self-control to prevent dieters from giving in to temptation . Why Most Dieters Fail Recent explanations of dieters’ ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2009
Free Will in Social Psychology
... In that study, hungry participants who resisted the temptation to eat chocolates and cookies and instead made themselves eat ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2009
Do the Math: Cognitive Load Attenuates Negative Feelings
... then, a cognitive task may be used as a tool to fight off temptation . Research findings provide some initial support for this idea ( ... / more
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magazine issue | 07/2007
Why We Are Still Social
... the “basic units” for describing our species. (The temptation is to say adaptations are the basic unit, but there is still a lot ... / more
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blog categorie(s) - Solid Science
Pre-registration watch part 1: Detecting deception
... now the researcher has also protected herself from the temptation to change predictions after she has seen the data (“I predicted ... / more
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magazine issue | 08/2015
Yielding to temptation: How and why some people are better at controlling themselves
... to measure the general happiness-impact of giving in to temptation (as compared to enacting non-tempting desires), it w as found that giving in to temptation does not boost momentary happiness due to its effects on ... / more
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magazine issue | 07/2017
The Face of Leadership: How CEOs’ Facial Appearance Predicts Business Success
... So what are people to make of these findings? The temptation for cosmetic surgery notwithstanding, facial appearance might play ... / more
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blog categorie(s) - Generalist Grab Bag
How to get into shape like the Hulk
... your inner Hulk after a hard day of work. You give into temptation binge eating chips on the couch instead of going to the gym. There ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.