17 results for „cue“
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magazine issue | 10/2010
Successful Dieting in Tempting Environments: Mission Impossible?
... part in a pizza taste test. It was found that such a cue more strongly affected the eating behavior of dieters than of normal ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2010
Are You a “Real Man”? How Men Earn and Prove Manhood Status
... implicit tendency to treat women’s physical beauty as a cue that signals fertility (Buss, 1989), or a broader tendency to equate ... / more
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magazine issue | 04/2009
Embodied Persuasion: How the Body Can Change our Mind
... we receive. The body is likely to serve as a simple cue when motivation and ability to think are constrained. For example, ... the body can influence attitudes by serving as a simple cue and by affecting either the amount or direction of thinking. Recently, ... / more
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magazine issue | 09/2008
The Surprising Effect of Facial Appearance on Political Decision-Making
... unknown candidate, people would use the facial similarity cue in their impression of the opponent, but not in their judgment of the ... policy positions, and may turn to visual information as a cue to guide their decision. Bailenson and colleagues’ (in press) ... / more
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magazine issue | 02/2008
The Naked Power: Understanding Nonverbal Communications of Power
... Schubert , 2005). Furthermore, schematizing a nonverbal cue in this way also works for size: When the labels of powerful groups are ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2013
A funny thing happened on the way to romance: How humor influences romantic relationship initiation
... intelligence (Miller, 2000a; 2000b). Humor as a Cue for Intelligence Both men and women desire intelligent ... / more
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magazine issue | 04/2014
Judging a book by its cover: Prior knowledge determines the effect of embodied cues.
... (2012). The weight of the bottle as a possible extrinsic cue with which to estimate the price (and quality) of the wine? Observed ... / more
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magazine issue | 04/2014
Grasping the grounded nature of mental simulation
... simulation , or the simulation of action from a visual cue . Psychologists Tucker and Ellis (1998, 2001, 2004) have been instrumental ... / more
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Blog Post
Can music create intercultural understanding? According to Madonna (and psychological research), it can!
... music preference and liking of this person is due to the cue that a person’s music preference gives about their value orientation ... guiding in the way they choose to live their life, this cue provides information about the person that reaches far beyond their ... / more
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Blog Post
Would One Direction be as popular if we got to re-run the world?
... do. Or, the “50,000 Elvis fan’s can’t be wrong” cue . I always ask my students to read research papers examining the different ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.