37 results for „leading question“
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magazine issue | 05/2012
The victim wars: How competitive victimhood stymies reconciliation between conflicting groups
... The strange thing is, if you ask a Palestinian the same question, you'll most likely hear the same story. Since Israel became a nation ... sense of “we”, the cognitive and motivational processes leading to perceive one’s own group as the victim and the other group as the ... / more
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magazine issue | 09/2008
Penetrating the Circle of Death: Why People are Dying (and Killing) Not to Die
... fear when they perceive threats to continued existence, leading to fight or flight responses. Yet, unlike other animals, humans are ... or nations that promote alternative worldviews calls into question the validity of one’s own worldview and thereby arouses anxiety. To ... / more
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magazine issue | 09/2008
Social Judgment: Warmth and Competence are Universal Dimensions
... finally, you could judge one of them as cold but competent, leading to feelings of resentment and even envy. All the media hoopla boils ... 2005 ; Wojciszke & Klusek, 1996 ). One immediate question would be: Which dimension comes first when we judge another person? ... / more
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magazine issue | 02/2008
Creativity is More Than a Trait: It’s a Relation
... became something valuable to society as a whole and the question was how to go about producing more of it. Today, we find ourselves ... creativity became connected to science, eventually leading to the study of eminent scholars from all disciplines ( Albert & Runco ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2007
The Double Edged Passion
... mountain of corpses to really get you going on the question of hate. The first really influential answer that psychology came to ... of “Right Wing Authoritarianism,” about which the leading authority, Bob Altemeyer, has written a highly readable book which is ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2013
A funny thing happened on the way to romance: How humor influences romantic relationship initiation
... than their wives make them laugh, although wives are the leading comedians in Russia (Weisfeld et al., 2011). In the U.S., men tend to ... of Different Humor Styles In order to ask this question, DiDonato and colleagues (2013) generated a series of funny ... / more
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magazine issue | 02/2014
The good, the bad, and the ugly of the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty
... these “real” women are perceived as overall similar, leading women to engage in these assimilative processes. This would result in ... such as those in Dove’s ad campaign. This prompts the question, “Could Dove’s ad campaign potentially be even more harmful than ... / more
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Blog Post
Are voters rational?
... rational? There is, unfortunately, no easy answer to the question. Social psychological science, like all science, is a quest for ... psychologists have focused on the role that beliefs play in leading people to “irrationally” support a system that disadvantages them. ... / more
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Book Review
What makes Olga run?: The mystery of the 90-something track star and what she can teach us about living longer, happier lives.
... young-looking Olga a couple years ago, he had the same question that Olga awakens in many: “Seriously: When you’re breaking ... for self-improvement seems to pervade everything she does, leading her to ask herself constantly how she can enhance her performance. ... / more
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Blog Post
Would One Direction be as popular if we got to re-run the world?
... the two Salganic and Watts papers I’ll present here. The question they ask is – why does cultural product become popular? Is it ... Salganik, Matthew J. & Watts, Duncan J. (2008) Leading the herd astray: An experimental study of self-fulfilling prophecies in ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.