21 results for „outgroup“
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magazine issue | 02/2013
Intergroup Contact Theory: Past, Present, and Future
... in-group and the concept ‘good’, and between an outgroup (a group the participant is not a member of) and the concept ... associated with reduced physiological threat responses to outgroup members (Blascovich et al., 2001), and reduced differences in the ... / more
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magazine issue | 02/2013
Justice seems not to be for all: Exploring the scope of justice
... Similarly, “their group” is referred to as the outgroup , i.e., those social groups from which an individual feels the ... we talk about group comparison, the ingroup and the outgroup are salient for those involved, and we often apply this ... / more
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magazine issue | 05/2012
The victim wars: How competitive victimhood stymies reconciliation between conflicting groups
... may interplay with group members’ need to compete with the out-groups (e.g., Brewer & Brown, 1998). Thus, group members may tend to engage in a real competition with the out-group over who has suffered more. Interestingly, this kind of ... / more
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magazine issue | 01/2012
The Role of Honor and Culture in Group-Based Humiliation, Anger and Shame
... E. W., & Gaertner, S. L. (2006). Intergroup threat and outgroup attitudes: A meta- analytic review. Personality and Social ... / more
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magazine issue | 04/2009
Human, or Less than Human?
... (e.g., nostalgia , embarrassment , admiration) to outgroup members compared to ingroup members, but attribute emotions ... animals (e.g., happiness, fear, anger) to ingroup and outgroup equally. This subtle tendency to see other groups as less human – ... / more
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magazine issue | 09/2008
Reconsidering Race in the Genetic Era
... and less interested in interacting with racial out-group members. In light of this research, one could argue that folk ... / more
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magazine issue | 09/2008
Penetrating the Circle of Death: Why People are Dying (and Killing) Not to Die
... to actual aggressive behavior taken towards members of an outgroup ( McGregor et al., 1998). Only after a death reminder did ... / more
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magazine issue | 09/2008
Social Judgment: Warmth and Competence are Universal Dimensions
... , it predicts active behaviors towards the member of the outgroup : Active facilitation (helping) versus active harming (attacking). ... when one’s ingroup goals clash with those of an outgroup , the ingroup perceives that outgroup as a foe—as ... / more
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magazine issue | 06/2008
‘The Vision Thing’
... intelligence, and his or her own, from that of the outgroup ( Turner & Haslam , 2001). Evidence of these dynamics at ... promotion of the ingroup at the expense of an outgroup . Again, though, the key to leadership lies not in getting ... / more
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magazine issue | 06/2008
Complementing Individualism with The Social Identity Approach
... into an in-group (that includes the self) and out-group (that excludes the self). As a consequence, individuals will like ... anger and fear motivate approach and avoidance of the out-group , respectively. It seems, then, that we have indeed evolved as ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.