25 results for „prosocial behavior“
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magazine issue | 02/2013
That human touch that means so much: Exploring the tactile dimension of social life
... studies have examined the effects of touch on courtship behavior. One study (Guéguen, 2007, Experiment 1) took place in a French ... attitudes, which may facilitate team performance. The prosocial tendencies induced by touch may sometimes have harmful effects. In ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2009
Free Will in Social Psychology
... information about the inner processes and the control of behavior. To thinkers who believe in free will, social psychology provides ... false belief in it: Belief in free will contributes to prosocial, responsible behavior. The belief in free will is thus a highly ... / more
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magazine issue | 09/2008
Penetrating the Circle of Death: Why People are Dying (and Killing) Not to Die
... disturbingly, research has linked MS to actual aggressive behavior taken towards members of an outgroup ( McGregor et al., 1998). ... effect: Evidence that mortality salience increases prosocial attitudes and behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, ... / more
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magazine issue | 06/2008
Complementing Individualism with The Social Identity Approach
... here as a line of thought that attributes individuals` behavior to their personality characteristics, is complemented with the ... anti-social behavior resulted, but when these norms were pro-social, pro-social behavior resulted. Thus, adherence to group norms seemed ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2007
The Double Edged Passion
... cure is worse than the original disease. On a more prosocial note, the boys at Sherif's camp might have used prejudice not to ... merely that the norms demanding outrage at prejudiced behavior are not equally strong everywhere. But is prejudice really ... / more
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magazine issue | 07/2007
Fairness Judgments: Genuine Morality or Disguised Egocentrism?
... three unfair procedures, considered the decision-maker's behavior as fairer when compared with participants that received one unfair ... shaped by egocentrism. This is not to say, of course, that prosocial motives and ‘genuine’ morality do not play any possible role in ... / more
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Blog Post
Why do people help strangers when disaster strikes?
... response to the Boston Marathon bombing. Pro-social behavior refers to behaviors that benefit people (Penner, Dovidio, Piliavin, & ... effect: Evidence that mortality salience increases prosocial attitudes and behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, ... / more
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Blog Post
Why Madonna was right: Music really does make the people come together
... S., & Tomasello, M. (2010). Joint music making promotes prosocial behavior in 4-year-old children. Evolution and Human Behavior , 31 (5), ... / more
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magazine issue | 04/2014
What can metaphors tell us about personality?
... make a person more hostile (or at least dominant) in their behavior. Fetterman and Robinson (2013) then asked people to judge the ... D. (2012). Sweet taste preferences and experiences predict prosocial inferences, personalities, and behaviors. Journal of Personality & ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.