77 results for „significant“
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magazine issue | 10/2013
Sense-making through science
... we found that control-threat led to a marginally significant preference shift in favour of intelligent design. We also found ... / more
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magazine issue | 04/2014
Grasping the grounded nature of mental simulation
... is not a one-to-one relationship; however, the overlap is significant and provides support that conscious imagery can be a perceptual ... / more
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blog categorie(s) - Solid Science
The year the journals changed
... two or three or four studies and find the same kind of significant result in each of them. But even after running multiple ... collection and analysis allows presenting anything as significant . Psychological Science , 22 , 1359–1366. ... / more
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blog categorie(s) - Culture
Can music create intercultural understanding? According to Madonna (and psychological research), it can!
... In our globalizing world, cues that inform us about significant values of people we don’t know enable us to forge connections. ... / more
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blog categorie(s) - Romance & Friendship
Learning from our dreams
... of you: Romantic behavior and emotion in dreams of significant others predict subsequent relational behavior. Social ... / more
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blog categorie(s) - Meaning Making
Blame. What is it good for?
... If you imagine a conflict with a friend, significant other, or any other person with whom you expect to repeatedly ... / more
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blog categorie(s) - Solid Science
Can you replicate that?
... has been the pre-registration of studies and a significant change in the publishing and reporting standards at some of ... collection and analysis allows presenting anything as significant . Psychological Science , 22 (11) : 1359 – 1366. ... / more
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blog categorie(s) - Meaning Making
When having meaning in life helps – and why
... goal (e.g. reading to get a good grade). We found a significant correlation between having meaning in life and happiness when ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2014
How stress influences our morality
... most emotional. However, the researchers failed to find a significant difference in judgments between stressed and non-stressed ... / more
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blog categorie(s) - Culture
Sorry, the relationship with your mother still matters for your achievement in life
... still find that the relationship with our mothers plays a significant role in what (and how) we achieve in life. References: ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.