8 results for „structural information“
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magazine issue | 10/2009
Do the Math: Cognitive Load Attenuates Negative Feelings
... Limited Resources of the Emotional Brain If emotional information competes with non-emotional information for limited mental ... a consequence of Person “A”’s antisocial behavior, the structural cause of their relationship problems remains intact, which makes it ... / more
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magazine issue | 04/2009
Embodied Persuasion: How the Body Can Change our Mind
... ( Wells & Petty , 1980). Other research has found that information presented while performing an approach behavior (e.g., using ... a bias to the thoughts that come to mind, and (d) affecting structural properties of the thoughts (e.g., thought confidence). Among other ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2007
Exposing an Armed Criminal: What Can We Learn from Psychology and the Police?
... human body language can be divided into two categories: structural information (e.g. facial features, body build) and kinetic information ... / more
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magazine issue | 07/2007
Why We Are Still Social
... create dependence on collective knowledge and cooperative information sharing. Humans are still social because they must be. My ... macroband—are organized as a nested hierarchy. (This is a structural hierarchy, not to be confused with political hierarchy.) Each group ... / more
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magazine issue | 01/2019
Refugees wel(l)come: The impact of social support on refugees’ well-being
... formal social support services (12). In particular, structural problems in the organization of political responsibility and ... social support involves providing the recipient with information and good advice, while instrumental social support contains ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2019
Fair Enough? The Inequality Paradox, Inequality Awareness, and System Justification
... and punished richer ones [24]. This leads us to believe that information (at least for contexts and societies similar to the United States) ... Muslims of higher socioeconomic status provided more structural attributions than low class Muslims, but the same did not happen ... / more
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Blog Post
Interview with Academics for Black Survival and Wellness
... system in the US from health care to prison, you will find structural barriers to Black wellness and people who knowingly and unknowingly ... while being attuned to physiological responses to this information, and (c) committing to Black allyship in different personal and ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.