Call for Papers: Special Issue on Sexuality
We invite you to submit short review articles for a Special Issue on Sexuality at In-Mind Magazine, the online journal of the In-Mind Foundation.
In-Mind Magazine is a peer-reviewed online journal that publishes short reviews of topics in all fields of psychology. Our outlet is unique—articles are written for a broad audience, and intended to inform the general public about psychological trends and research. This gives you the unique opportunity as an author to speak directly to the public, but with all the rigor that comes with the peer-review process.
For this special issue, we invite submissions of (max) 2,500-word articles covering sexuality research topics of general public interest. For instance, a review on mechanisms of sexual desire or sexual problems (and what to do about them), non-traditional relationships (e.g., polyamory), sexuality in the age of social media, the science of (sexual) consent, and so on.
To be considered for this special issue, please first submit an abstract of no more than 500 words to Marlene Werner at (a) summarizing the topic and describing (b) why it is appropriate for this special issue as well as for (c) In-Mind Magazine. From these initial abstracts, the editors will select 4-5 topics for full submissions. The deadline for abstracts is March, 31.
In-Mind has recently assembled a team of diverse and enthusiastic editors who are committed to making the magazine more successful than ever:
Matthew Baldwin, University of Cologne
Rosine Rutten, Maastricht University
Reine van der Wal, Utrecht University
Amanda Sesko, University of Washington, Tacoma
Mitch Brown, University of Southern Mississippi
Andreas Burger, Leiden University
Marlene Werner, Amsterdam UMC, (Location Academic Medical Center)
Please join us in our mission to make psychological science accessible to all. We look forward to your submissions!
On behalf of everyone at In-Mind Magazine,
Matthew Baldwin, Editor in Chief
article author(s)
blog categories
- Culture (13)
- Current Events (9)
- Gender (6)
- Meaning Making (7)
- Other (2)
- Political Psychology (11)
- Race & Ethnicity (7)
- Solid Science (8)