Call for Blogs and Bloggers
Call for Blogs and Bloggers: In-Mind Magazine
We invite you to submit a blog (1,000 words or less) for In-Mind Magazine, the flagship online journal of the In-Mind Foundation. In-Mind Magazine is a peer-reviewed online journal that publishes short reviews of topics in all fields of psychology. Our outlet is unique—articles are written for a broad audience, and intended to inform the general public about psychological trends and research.
Our blog section at In-Mind complements our peer-reviewed articles and includes discussions of psychological phenomena (broadly defined) that use psychological research to address a hot topic, current event, social issue, fad, or trend with the general public using a conversational style of writing. We offer several options for blog submissions including Generalist Grab Bag, Interdisciplinary Inquiries, Pop Culture Series, Demystifying Mental Illness, and Big Questions in Society. Blog submissions may take on the form of an op-ed and submissions that address current events are particularly encouraged. Blogs entries are reviewed by our editorial team.
We are also currently recruiting writers for our blog team who will contribute regularly to the blog in one or more of the categories above. If this is of interest to you, please contact our blog coordinator Amanda Sesko (
Thank you and we look forward to your submission (visit the blog submission page here)!
On behalf of everyone at In-Mind Magazine,
Amanda Sesko, University of Washington Tacoma
Mitch Brown, University of Southern Mississippi