5 results for „recollection“
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magazine issue | 04/2014
Word of mouth: How our tongue shapes our preferences, and why you should eat popcorn in the cinema
... contributions to implicit memory , familiarity, and recollection . Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 141 (2), 260-281. ... / more
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magazine issue | 11/2015
Can you nonbelieve it: What happens when you do not believe in your memories?
... event occurred increases confidence, belief, and even recollection for that event (Koehler, 1991), our knowledge about how to ... clip was doctored and then measured their belief and recollection for the action. This manipulation undermined ... behavioural change is solely determined by belief and not recollection (Bernstein, Scoboria, & Arnold, 2015). One interesting research ... / more
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magazine issue | 07/2016
Was that how it happened? Shaping our memory for personal experiences in conversation with others
... (e.g., a chalkboard, a teacher’s desk). Therefore, your recollection of the classroom is not an accurate reproduction, but rather, a ... (Tenney, 1989). With respect to Williams’ altered recollection of his experience, it is important to note that he was on a show ... / more
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magazine issue | 01/2020
Can We Believe in Our Own Lies?
... shown studied and unstudied objects. During this recollection task, participants were asked whether the items were studied or ... / more
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magazine issue | 11/2024
How the voice gives away what you are feeling
... and you might imagine a fast, quite high-pitched recollection of the events leading up to the win. However, if you were to ask ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.