Are you Instagram-official? - Love, Social Media, and their Impact on Each Other

social media / Instagram / Facebook / interpersonal relationships / romantic relationships / break-up / self-presentation / signalling theory
Are you Instagram-official? - Love, Social Media, and their Impact on Each Other
Have you ever thought about the criteria used for being recognized as an official couple on social media? Maybe you felt annoyed when your partner’s new profile picture had been liked by his/her ex? Maybe you used social media after a break-up to snoop on someone you suspected to be your successor? If the answer is yes at least once, you certainly accept the importance of investigating these questions empirically....
/ moreCan We Believe in Our Own Lies?

Lying / memory / Deceptive strategies / False Denials / Feigning Amnesia / Fabrication
Can We Believe in Our Own Lies?
Can we believe in our own lies? Such a question eventually boils down to the issue of whether lying affects memory. This is particularly relevant in the legal arena, where witnesses, offenders, and suspects adopt deceptive strategies in several situations.

In 1995, Binjamin Wilkormiski published a book entitled Fragments: Memories of a Wartime...
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