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keyword "heuristics"

Does nudging have a place in politics? How decision-making contexts inevitably influence our behavior

Does nudging have a place in politics? How decision-making contexts inevitably influence our behavior

We like to see ourselves as masters of our decisions. However, psychological research has found that the context that surrounds our decisions influences our behavior often unnoticed - for better or for worse. Policy makers need to be aware of these influences to protect citizens from being manipulated and to reach societal goals efficiently. Why is the influence of contexts on decisions relevant for effective and citizen-centered policy making? Psychologist Dr. Mario Herberz explains. / more

The Surprising Effect of Facial Appearance on Political Decision-Making

The Surprising Effect of Facial Appearance on Political Decision-Making

If your citizenship comes with the responsibility - and privilege - of voting, then every few years you face an interesting challenge. Who will you vote for? Whether you choose to support an incumbent, a celebrated war hero, an experienced government official, or a new face on the political scene, psychologists are incredibly curious about the process by which you come to that decision. There is reason to believe that, coming from a thoughtful and prepared voter, your ballot will... / more

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