Jerry Prosper Medernach

Born in 1985 in Luxembourg, Dr. Jerry Medernach began his sports studies in 2006 at the German Sport University Cologne. He graduated (Ph.D.) in 2015 and has over two decades of experience as a climbing coach, more than 10 years as a sports scientist, and eight years as a physical education teacher. In his primary profession, he currently works as an expert in cognition and sports psychology at the National Institute of Physical Activity and Sports in Luxembourg, where he educates coaches, athletes, and teachers. In his second life, he works as a post-doc researcher at the Institute of Exercise Training and Sports Informatics of the German Sports University. Given that climbing has always been a pivotal component of his life, he is currently investigating perceptual and cognitive skills of climbers. He started climbing in 2002, became a member of the German National Climbing Team NRW, and has climbed routes up to 8b+.