Marieke van Egmond

Marieke van Egmond received her Master’s degree in Culture and Personality Psychology from Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. She went on to conduct her doctoral education at the interdisciplinary Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences in Germany and obtained her PhD in psychology in 2011. She is currently a post-doctoral fellow at Jacobs University Bremen and works in collaboration with Michele Gelfand from the University of Maryland, College Park on the topic of cultural tightness, funded by the Humboldt Foundation.
Author's content
- Einstein beats Mother Theresa as the hero of the world
- On kissing in elevators and flirting in the office: A cross-cultural perspective on normative behavior.
- Sorry, the relationship with your mother still matters for your achievement in life
- The reason that you need to feel good about yourself in order to be happy might not be what you think it is
- Smile! And I tell you where you’re from
- Can music create intercultural understanding? According to Madonna (and psychological research), it can!
- Why Madonna was right: Music really does make the people come together