70 results for „social identity“
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magazine issue | 06/2014
Consensual non-monogamy: Table for more than two, please
... and what people consider “normal” (monogamy) in their social group may not be necessarily the best practice for everyone. CNM ... that examines whether engagement in CNM is an orientation (identity) or a set of relationship behaviors and choices; thus, we encourage ... / more
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magazine issue | 08/2014
Revisiting the past can make the present a better place: The psychological and social benefits of nostalgia
... this view lacked scientific support. In recent years, social psychologists have employed scientific methods to more systematically ... T. (2012). Nostalgia as a self resource. Self and Identity, 11, 273-284. Zhou, X, Sedikides, C., Wildschut, C., & Gao, D.-G. ... / more
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magazine issue | 08/2014
Living in a safer world: Offering help when surrounded by others for the sake of reputation
... beliefs, the lack of help can be explained differently. The social and psychological forces at play during a bystander effect ... your willingness to offer help can increase when your group identity becomes salient (Levine & Crowther, 2008) and by the fact that you are ... / more
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Blog Post
Foul-weather friends: Social psychology and school aggression
... peers in a helpful way? Although, as a discipline, social psychology has studied such bystander effects for decades, it has been ... not only is the number of friends important but also the identity of children’s friends. For example, Fox and Boulton (2006) found ... / more
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Blog Post
Patriot Acts: Why the USA’s recent decrease in national glorification might be a good sign
... tend to be more prejudiced and ethnocentric, believe more in social dominance, and are more concerned with military threat and cultural ... 2008; Spry & Hornsey, 2007). According to Social Identity Theory , this is because glorification is characterized by feelings ... / more
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Blog Post
Who gives a Tweet? Fandom, social identity, and why people take to Twitter
... perceive us, and the extent to which we express our social identities in order to bolster our self-esteem . This blog will ... specifically, will propose that Twitter serves an important identity function for group members. While the common conception ... / more
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magazine issue | 06/2015
Always on the Move: How Residential Mobility Impacts Our Well-Being
... especially to the newcomers. Even more exciting, their social circles were so broad that John would likely meet various kinds of ... Finally, residential stability helps strengthen people’s identity as a member of their community (Oishi, Rothman, et al., 2007). Greater ... / more
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Blog Post
Why gender neutral toy aisles might help children’s development stay on target
... them speed up their cognitive development. Gender Identity & Toy Selection: Why Labels Matter For those who may think ... & Liben, L.S. (2006). A developmental intergroup their of social stereotypes and prejudice , In R. V. Kail (Ed.), Advances in ... / more
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magazine issue | 11/2015
Seeing and Believing: Common Courtroom Myths in Eyewitness Memory
... on a complex interplay of personal, situational, and social factors (e.g., the witness’ distance from the perpetrator, individual ... by providing non-witnesses (people who are ignorant to the identity of the perpetrator) with a description of the perpetrator and then ... / more
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magazine issue | 01/2016
What is c Factor, and Where Can I Get It?
... well-studied dysfunctions such as " groupthink " and " social loafing ." Woolley and colleagues (2010) empirically determined there ... Platow, M. J., & van Knippenberg, D. (2001). A social identity analysis of leadership endorsement: The effects of leader ingroup ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.