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keyword "mindfulness"

The Kids are Alright? An Interview with Well-Being Ambassador Will Williams and a Case for Bringing Mindfulness to Schools

The Kids are Alright? An Interview with Well-Being Ambassador Will Williams and a Case for Bringing Mindfulness to Schools

The No Good Terrible Very Bad Day

Imagine the last bad day you had. Maybe you were jolted out of a pleasant snooze by a complaining alarm. You’re late. You’re groggy and in your haste, you spill half your breakfast on a freshly cleaned shirt—and the other half now lies in a puddle on the floor. You frantically try to clean it up as you scramble out the door to catch your ride. You look like...

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Becoming superhuman: Is it all in your mind?

Becoming superhuman: Is it all in your mind?

Everyone loves a good comic book hero, but what if superhuman feats were something you could learn to do in real life? In this post, we will share some recent scientific evidence that suggests that through mindfulness, people can learn to control their minds, bodies, pain tolerance and emotions in ways that seem almost superhuman. / more

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