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keyword "racism"

Interview with Academics for Black Survival and Wellness

Interview with Academics for Black Survival and Wellness

"Academics cannot stay silent about anti-Black racism, nor can they remain silent in the face of racial violence and injustice. We need to engage in the critical work to dismantle anti-Black racism within ourselves, others, and in the system." -Jeannette Mejia, University of Florida Counseling Psychology Doctoral Student  Over the last few weeks, much attention has been directed towards the violence and injustice Black people are facing. In an effort to encourage academics... / more

Invoking Pocahontas: An act of racism disguised as politics

Invoking Pocahontas: An act of racism disguised as politics


At a recent event honoring Navajo Code Talkers who are World War II Veterans, President Donald Trump stated, "You were here long before any of us were here. Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas"...

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The Double Edged Passion

The Double Edged Passion

Humans are passionate creatures. Our passions drive us, gives us a sense of belonging, and unite us as few other things can. Still, there are only a couple of passions that have been constants down the ages, passions that people from every place and culture can agree on. Love is one, but another is that "those no-good bastards over there are trouble." Of course, we quibble endlessly over the exact definition of "those" -- every culture, pretty much, has had... / more

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