From Derogation to Reclamation: How Does Language Change?

Reclaiming / Derogatory labels / language / Stigmatization / race / gender / groups
From Derogation to Reclamation: How Does Language Change?
Derogatory labels are offensive words that can be reclaimed by a stigmatized group; however, the process of reclaiming can carry risks.
In 2020, Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests took place around the world, reminding us about social inequalities and racism. Through these protests, we became particularly attentive to the language and labels we use. On July 29th, BBC News aired a news report where the N-word was...
/ moreHow Much Does the Menstrual Cycle Affect Emotional Life?

Menstrual cycle / Premenstrual symptoms / Premenstrual phase / Premenstrual dysphoric disorder / Hormones / Female / women
How Much Does the Menstrual Cycle Affect Emotional Life?
Around 1.6 billion women of fertile age currently have an ongoing menstrual cycle, and a larger group of women will experience or have already experienced this. Everyone probably knows a fertile woman in some way. Despite this, general knowledge about how the menstrual cycle affects women emotionally is scarce. At the same time, there are beliefs and misconceptions about the menstrual cycle’s effect on women. This article will unravel whether emotional premenstrual symptoms are a biological, psychological or sociocultural phenomenon.... / more