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keyword "depression"

“Keeping the Olympic Flame Burning”: Protecting Athletes from Burnout in Sport

“Keeping the Olympic Flame Burning”: Protecting Athletes from Burnout in Sport

Athlete burnout is a growing concern in sport, particularly among elite athletes who compete at the highest level, such as the Olympic Games. It is characterized by the symptoms of physical and emotional exhaustion, a reduced sense of athletic accomplishment, and sport devaluation. The present article will explore its causes and consequences. It also aims to guide the creation of effective strategies for preventing and mitigating burnout in elite athletes who will compete during the Olympic Games. / more

Does Exercise Truly Make You Happy?

Does Exercise Truly Make You Happy?

A healthy mind in a healthy body or mens sane in corpore sano, as Decimus Junius Juvenalis put it in his time, is a phrase that seems to imply some causal relationship between exercise and a sound mind. However, when Juvenalis (one of the great Roman satirists of his time) made himself immortal with these words, he at least seemed to care to make a causal statement. / more

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