Caught in a Vicious Cycle? The Complex Interplay of Work Stressors and Burnout
Caught in a Vicious Cycle? The Complex Interplay of Work Stressors and Burnout
A conflict with a coworker, time pressure, or technical issues – work-related stressors can take many forms. When work stressors accumulate, they can lead to burnout. However, recent research suggests that the interplay between work stressors and burnout is more complex than previously assumed. Could employees potentially be caught in a vicious cycle? / more
Bug or feature? Boredom feels aversive, and this is why it matters
Bug or feature? Boredom feels aversive, and this is why it matters
In class, during exercise, at work: boredom is an everyday experience that is generally regarded as an annoying and rather useless nuisance. In keeping with this attested uselessness, boredom had not gathered much research interest for a long time. Fortunately, this has changed and new and exciting research paints a different picture of boredom, highlighting its function and its relevance for human behavior. Indeed, boredom appears to play a key role in goal-striving because it acts as a catalyst for change. Simply put, boredom tells us that we are wasting our resources and that we should look for other things to do. To provide an overview of the emerging research on boredom, this article covers what boredom is, when it occurs, what it does, and why it matters. / more
“Keeping the Olympic Flame Burning”: Protecting Athletes from Burnout in Sport

Olympics / Olympic Games Paris / paris / european championship / football / uefa / em / Germany / Athlete burnout / health / depression / Prevention strategies
“Keeping the Olympic Flame Burning”: Protecting Athletes from Burnout in Sport
Athlete burnout is a growing concern in sport, particularly among elite athletes who compete at the highest level, such as the Olympic Games. It is characterized by the symptoms of physical and emotional exhaustion, a reduced sense of athletic accomplishment, and sport devaluation. The present article will explore its causes and consequences. It also aims to guide the creation of effective strategies for preventing and mitigating burnout in elite athletes who will compete during the Olympic Games. / more
How to get into shape like the Hulk

exercise / habits / health / self-regulation / self-control
How to get into shape like the Hulk
Do you want to get into shape but find it hard to carry out your good intentions? The Hulk can help you!
After summer vacation, chances are you are trying to get back into shape. Your goals may include fitting into your pants again, training for a 5k in the winter, or improving your overall physical strength and endurance. Each day you try to start off with...
/ moreCulture and Health Psychology: Insights from a Socio-Cultural Perspective
collectivism / culture / health / individualism / well-being
Culture and Health Psychology: Insights from a Socio-Cultural Perspective
The beginning of the 20th century featured an understanding of health that was dominated by a biomedical perspective, characterized by a reductionist point of view in which health was defined as the absence of illness. This view has long been replaced by a biopsychosocial model that emphasizes the role played by socio-cultural forces in the shaping of health (and illness) and related psychological experiences (Engel, 1977). In 1948, the World Health Organization (WHO) defined health as... / more