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keyword "Lying"

Can We Believe in Our Own Lies?

Can We Believe in Our Own Lies?

Can we believe in our own lies? Such a question eventually boils down to the issue of whether lying affects memory. ­­­­­­­This is particularly relevant in the legal arena, where witnesses, offenders, and suspects adopt deceptive strategies in several situations. 


In 1995, Binjamin Wilkormiski published a book entitled Fragments: Memories of a Wartime...

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White lies and black lies: What they have in common and how they differ

White lies and black lies: What they have in common and how they differ

Black lies, or telling a lie to gain a personal benefit, are universally condemned. In contrast, white lies, or telling a lie to please another person, are seen as an innocent part of everyday interactions. Does that mean that white lies have no negative consequences? We discuss the origins and consequences of black lies and white lies, and point out the potentially ugly side of white lies.     

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