1 - 2 of 2 articles
keyword "refugees"

Refugees wel(l)come: The impact of social support on refugees’ well-being

Refugees wel(l)come: The impact of social support on refugees’ well-being

To date, the refugee crisis has been a central issue for society and associated with several challenges. This article focuses on the well-being of refugees as a basis for successful integration. In particular, it addresses the question of how social support can positively affect refugees’ well-being and the consequences related to missing social support. In this context, a differentiation is made between formal and informal social support for... / more

Refugees work placement: Call for collaboration

Refugees work placement: Call for collaboration

In the Netherlands only, more than 25.000 refugees arrived this year, and the numbers are rapidly increasing. One of the biggest challenges for refugees is to acclimatize, adapt, and find jobs in a new country. As a group of behavioral change experts, we want to help them, but we need some expert collaborators. This is a call for collaboration with a programmer, translator, and refugee organizations. / more

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