Living in a safer world: Offering help when surrounded by others for the sake of reputation
bystander effect / reversed bystander effect / violence
Living in a safer world: Offering help when surrounded by others for the sake of reputation
Almost every single day you hear and read terrifying news about violence. A football team kicks the arbiter to death (Mohamed, 2013), two teenagers beat up a 14-year-old boy (Lai, 2012), and a 17-year-old boy is stabbed to death (Mercer, 2013), to name just a few. With all this media attention on violence, it’s not strange that most people believe our world today is more dangerous than ever. Indeed, most people believe violence has increased the past decades. However, believe... / more
Why Are We Still Spanking Our Kids?

spanking / physical punishment / corporal punishment / Aggression / violence
Why Are We Still Spanking Our Kids?
In this blog post we discuss legal, attitudinal and motivational factors that explain why we use physical punishment with children, specifically: (1) the United States, unlike most other countries, does not legislate against it, (2) attitudes condoning corporal punishment remain strong, particularly in some U.S. regions and cultures, (3) situational precipitating factors, impulsive appraisal, and cognitive scripts for aggressive punishment can interact to result in a spanking episode. / more