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keyword "warmth"

How to bring the gezelligheid this pandemic winter into your home

How to bring the gezelligheid this pandemic winter into your home

One of the things we will miss possibly the most this pandemic winter in the Northern Hemisphere is gezelligheid [ɣəˈzɛləxɛit]. No real English equivalent of gezelligheid exists; the closest word in the English vernacular - coziness - still doesn’t capture the same feeling of intimacy and belonging. What does communicate a similar sentiment and is more familiar to US ears is the Danish concept hygge [hʊɡə] and the Swedish concept of lagom. ... / more

A funny thing happened on the way to romance: How humor influences romantic relationship initiation

A funny thing happened on the way to romance: How humor influences romantic relationship initiation

Is a funny pick-up line a good idea, or will it hurt your chances?  The role of humor in courtship is a fascinating puzzle that is beginning to receive empirical attention. The current article provides a glimpse at when and why humor might be useful during romantic relationship initiation, and explains how your humor style might affect your success in attracting a potential romantic partner. If you were to list all the attractive qualities that you might... / more

Social Judgment: Warmth and Competence are Universal Dimensions

Social Judgment: Warmth and Competence are Universal Dimensions

How do you make sense of Barack Obama and John McCain? The odds are that you judge them mainly on two dimensions: warm/cold and (in) competence. Depending on your experience of them, you may judge one of them as both warm and competent, evoking your admiration and pride; and perhaps the other as neither warm nor competent, which triggers a sense of contempt and disgust. Or perhaps you view one as warm but not competent, which... / more

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