The psychology of digital disconnection: Why we want to use digital media less and if we should even try to

Digital Disconnection / Digital Detox / well-being / social media / self-regulation
The psychology of digital disconnection: Why we want to use digital media less and if we should even try to
Digital detox, digital minimalism, and smartphone free schools reveal a desire to reduce or change how we use technologies. However, disconnecting from digital communication like smartphones and social media is not always easy or beneficial. We discuss what digital disconnection is, why people desire less digitally mediated communication, and how disconnecting can be helpful as well as its limits. / more
How to get into shape like the Hulk

exercise / habits / health / self-regulation / self-control
How to get into shape like the Hulk
Do you want to get into shape but find it hard to carry out your good intentions? The Hulk can help you!
After summer vacation, chances are you are trying to get back into shape. Your goals may include fitting into your pants again, training for a 5k in the winter, or improving your overall physical strength and endurance. Each day you try to start off with...
/ moreYielding to temptation: How and why some people are better at controlling themselves
self-regulation / self-control / personality / Goals / motivation
Yielding to temptation: How and why some people are better at controlling themselves
Free Will in Social Psychology
Baumeister / free will / self-regulation / willpower
Free Will in Social Psychology
The topic of free will has challenged thinkers and inspired debate across multiple disciplines for centuries. What can social psychology contribute? Social psychology is unlikely to provide a convincing answer to questions about whether people have free will. However, social psychology can provide considerable information about the inner processes and the control of behavior. To thinkers who believe in free will, social psychology provides vital evidence about how it happens and is used. To thinkers who disbelieve in free will,... / more