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keyword "romantic relationships"

Phubbing: When love slips through the screen

Phubbing: When love slips through the screen

We all know this situation: we want to tell the other person something, but they only have eyes for their smartphone. This behavior has a name: Phubbing. But how does phubbing change our relationships and do we have to switch back to reading the newspaper to be a good partner? / more

A Primer on Porn and Relationships

A Primer on Porn and Relationships


The ease of access to pornography via the Internet has sparked a renewed interest in the effects of porn on consumers, with much of the public debate on the topic highlighting potential harms. We see everyone from the media (1), to high-profile academics, to politicians weighing-in on the issue. One accusation that’s frequently levied against porn is that it harms romantic relationships. For example, notable social psychologist, Phillip...

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Are you Instagram-official? - Love, Social Media, and their Impact on Each Other

Are you Instagram-official? - Love, Social Media, and their Impact on Each Other

Have you ever thought about the criteria used for being recognized as an official couple on social media? Maybe you felt annoyed when your partner’s new profile picture had been liked by his/her ex? Maybe you used social media after a break-up to snoop on someone you suspected to be your successor? If the answer is yes at least once, you certainly accept the importance of investigating these questions empirically....

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Consensual non-monogamy: Table for more than two, please

Consensual non-monogamy: Table for more than two, please

Admit it:  We have crushes, we have sexual fantasies, and sometimes we want to act on them—even when those crushes and fantasies aren’t about our current romantic partner.  Most of the time, we ignore these crushes and our fantasies go unfulfilled.  For some, cheating seems like an option.  However, for others, it is totally okay to pursue these crushes and fantasies outside a relationship.  Welcome to the emerging movement to rewrite the rules of romance: consensual... / more

Keeping the spark alive: The role of sexual communal motivation

Keeping the spark alive: The role of sexual communal motivation

In new relationships, feelings of sexual desire for a partner come relatively easily. But, over time, partners’ sexual interests often change and it can be difficult for couples to keep the spark alive. In the beginning stages of relationships when partners are getting to know each other sexual desire tends to peak (Baumeister & Bratlavsky, 1999), and then often declines over time as partners become comfortable and committed in their relationship... / more

Now I ain’t sayin she’s a gold digger, but will she get with someone who makes less than her, either?

Now I ain’t sayin she’s a gold digger, but will she get with someone who makes less than her, either?

In this post I review research showing that women do not care about partner’s income as much as people may think. In fact, the research suggests that both men and women overestimate the degree to which the other gender cares about money in relationships. These findings are particularly relevant given that some opponents of the 2014 U.S. Paycheck Fairness Act have stated that women prefer to make less money than their romantic partners. / more

Marrying smart or marrying instead of being smart? The goal conflict between MRS degrees and STEM degrees

Marrying smart or marrying instead of being smart? The goal conflict between MRS degrees and STEM degrees

In this blog post, I review a number of studies that suggest that telling women to focus on their MRS degree (aka getting married) while in college can make women less interested in earning a STEM degree (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math). Why does this matter? Because the STEM fields are in desperate need of women. Luckily, research also suggests that women in STEM are more desirable than women may realize. / more

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