Thinking gold: the link between cognition and performance in olympic athletes

Olympics / Olympic Games Paris / paris / european championship / football / uefa / em / Germany / cognitive performance / cognitive skills / interventions
Thinking gold: the link between cognition and performance in olympic athletes
In Olympic athletes, superior physical performance is clearly evident on observation. The non-visible cognitive processes also contribute to successful performance, yet they are still weakly researched and their mechanisms are unclear. With this article, we will provide insights into state-of-the-art research on the cognition-performance link in sports, focusing on elite athletes preparing for the Olympic Games. To do so, we will illustrate challenges associated with cognitive testing in the field of competitive sports, present solutions, and pinpoint how developing sport-specific vs. general cognitive measures can pave the way for individually tailored cognitive interventions. / more
Coping with being bullied

bullying / Aggression / coping / interventions
Coping with being bullied
In this blog post, I discuss recent research suggesting that being the victim of bullying can have a long-lasting impact on mental and physical health. But there’s a ray of hope in this literature as well: the lasting impact may depend on the ways that victims cope with being bullied. / more
Are we all jerks? Why nobody helps when surrounded by others

bystander effect / diffusion of responsibility / interventions
Are we all jerks? Why nobody helps when surrounded by others
People are not likely to help when faced with an emergency. Are they all heartless or is something else going on? Science reveals that we can explain this lack of helping behavior by the Bystander effect and that there are ways to decrease this effect. It was a busy Monday night in Café Moto in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Cars were passing by and more guests entered the restaurant. The restaurant seats 35... / more