n-back paradigm

a continuous sequence of different stimuli (for example: letters) is presented and participants have to continually compare the current stimulus in this sequence with the stimulus n steps back (for example one or two steps) in the n-back paradigm; typically, the subjects are then instructed to react (for example: a manual key press) to a match; the performance in this paradigm (for example: detecting a correct match) acts as an indicator for the executive functions updating of information in working memory


is love of oneself, a term derived from the Greek myth of Narcissus

neural network

Biological neuronal networks are clusters of multiple neurons that are connected via synapses. They activate together to perform specific functions. Artificial neural networks are computer models that are inspired by biological neural networks. 


Reference: D. S. Yeung, I. Cloete, D. Shi, and W. W. Y. Ng, Sensitivity Analysis for Neural Networks. Springer Science & Business Media, 2009.



refers to the use of various techniques to elucidate the relationship between brain activity and certain mental functions


the study of the nervous system, with a particular focus on brain activity


a psychological conditions or state characterized by neurosis; also, one of the Big Five personality factors (fundamental dimensions of human personality), ranging from one extreme of neuroticism, including such traits ad nervousness, tenseness, moodiness, and temperamentality, to the opposite extreme of emotional stability

non-directive therapist

a type of therapist who is following the method in which the client or patient directs the course

nonbelieved memories

vivid memories that one does not believe to represent genuine past events

nonverbal communication

communication by means other than words; social psychologist sometimes include verbal cues other than the words themselves, such as speech rate or tone, in this category


a sentimental longing for the past

novel conceptual combination task

 a task that requires the problem-solver to find an exemplar that belongs to two seemingly non-overlapping concepts
